I decided to put the background and shadows in first. This seems to work better when painting reds which reactivate very easily when touched with a wet brush. It is moving a bit slowly but I am sure will pick up speed once I start on the flowers.
Dear Vicki - this certainly looks like it is off to a great start. I think that you take it slow and give it time to dry and are patient is one of the qualities that makes your work outstanding. (I am way too impatient and not good at the glazing that makes watercolors glow. Yours always are so beautiful. I just need to come take lessons from You!! Have a super week-end.
Thanks so much Debbie. I really admire your work so if I can take lessons from you then you can take lessons from me. Thanks Carol! Thanks Eve. I enjoy and learn from the wip pics of others so I try to share mine also. I appreciate you all! Blessings...
Dear Vicki - this certainly looks like it is off to a great start. I think that you take it slow and give it time to dry and are patient is one of the qualities that makes your work outstanding. (I am way too impatient and not good at the glazing that makes watercolors glow. Yours always are so beautiful. I just need to come take lessons from You!! Have a super week-end.
Looking good!
It is always interesting to watch your paintings come to life, Vicki! Thanks for sharing your thought process and pictures with us.
Thanks so much Debbie. I really admire your work so if I can take lessons from you then you can take lessons from me.
Thanks Carol!
Thanks Eve. I enjoy and learn from the wip pics of others so I try to share mine also.
I appreciate you all! Blessings...
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